Now that Typewriter Press has published 3 authors, people are starting to pitch ideas to me, which is lovely. So many people believe that they would be able to write a book, and many of those people do something about it by actually writing a book - but how many of those people get round to looking into getting their book published? Not as many as you might think.
Publishing is a daunting process and the publishing world is a cruel place, especially for writers who are notoriously thin-skinned. Unless you're riding the current trends, whatever they may be at the moment, you're likely to feel excluded from success before you've even begun.
At Typewriter Press, we work a little differently. We like to hear about the ideas different people have for their books, but we also like to 'manage expectations', as they say these days! If your idea of success is selling a limited number of books to a finite number of people, just to see your book out there in the world, then Typewriter Press might be a way of dipping into the publishing world without too much heartache.

So what do you think? Like cricket, it can be a real test. So - are you in, or out?