One of the scariest things about tackling a project like setting up something so you can help other people put their plans into action is taking the plunge yourself, and making it official. Today is that day. Having done some research into SEO, and Domain Names and all that jazz, I took a deep breath and made this website visible. I bought a domain name, and made sure that Typewriter Press can be searched for and, more importantly, found on Google. It's not perfect yet, and it's going to take a lot of learning on my part to make it all work smoothly. However, I am not running this website to make a shedload of cash (although, that would be lovely!), and I don't intend to be all business-y about it. All I want to do is help writers like me, who perhaps feel a little apprehensive about self-publishing, and maybe need support and guidance - inasmuch as I am able to support and guide.
So today marks a bit of a watershed for me. I have bitten the bullet and paid for a few things, and now I'm going to publish a collection of short stories to celebrate!